29- 30 October 2021 - Pisa, Italy
3rd eNMD Congress
Event Starts In
Fri, 29 October - Sat, 30 October, 2021
New solutions for New avenues in Neuromuscular Disorders
Why to attend it?
This 3rd edition of the e-NMD Congress, E-health & Innovation to overcome barriers in Neuromuscular Diseases, follows the previous one, expected to be in Pisa 30-31 October 2020, actually completely virtual at that time. This the reason why we now propose again Pisa for this edition, hopefully in a hybrid form. The main theme chosen for this year focuses on “Remote Monitoring”, an emerging theme within the e-health world, now critically figured out from the Covid-19 era and for sure a topic of interest in the wider field of assistive technology & innovation for NMD.
Event Address
Grand Hotel Continental
Via Belvedere, 26, 56128 Tirrenia (PI)
Friday 29th October from 12.00 pm to 7.10 pm
Saturday 30th October from 9:00 am to 1:30 pm

Scientific Committee:
Sabrina Sacconi (FR)
John Vissing (DK)
Local organizing Committee:
Erika Schirinzi
Giulia Ricci
Francesca Torri
Cecilia Carlesi
Michelangelo Mancuso
eNMD Advisory Board:
Corrado Angelini (IT)
Teresinha Evangelista (FR)
Jordie Diaz-Manera (ES)
Hans Lochmuller (CA)
Jean-Philippe Plançon (FR)
Sabrina Sacconi (FR)
Benedikt Schoser (DE)
Sandrine Segovia-Kueny (FR)
Gabriele Siciliano, (IT)
Antonio Toscano (IT)
John Vissing (DK)
Auspices Requested by:
Information at:
(First Class Events & Conferences)
Addressed to:
ITALIAN CME credits:
L’evento è stato accreditato per le seguenti professioni e discipline:
Professioni |
Discipline |
Farmacista |
Farmacia Ospedaliera; Farmacia Territoriale;
Biologo |
Logopedista |
Terapista Occupazionale |
Psicologo |
Medico Chirurgo |
Cardiologia; Genetica Medica; Malattie Metaboliche e Diabetologia; Malattie Dell’apparato Respiratorio; Medicina Fisica e Riabilitazione; Neonatologia; Neurologia; Neuropsichiatria Infantile; Pediatria; Chirurgia Pediatrica; Neurochirurgia; Ortopedia e Traumatologia; Anestesia e Rianimazione; Laboratorio di Genetica Medica; Neurofisiopatologia, Neuroradiologia Pediatria (pediatri di libera scelta); Scienza dell’alimentazione e dietetica; |
Infermiere Pediatrico |
Fisioterapista |
Infermiere |
Dietista |
Tecnico di Neurofisiopatologia |
Terapista della Neuro e Psicomotricità dell’età Evolutiva |
Terapista della Neuro e Psicomotricità dell’età Evolutiva |
Numero di crediti ECM: 5,6