Notiziario Associazione Italiana di Miologia 


Mitochondrial medicine 30 years on: state of the art

Mitochondrial medicine 30 years on: state of the art


Nice, France 11-13 April 2019

Un corso a Nizza il prossimo 11-13 aprile 2019

Di seguito la descrizione del corso  in lingua inglese sul tema delle malattie mitocondriali

Course description

Mitochondrial diseases are an important group of inherited metabolic disorders affecting children and adults, with an extremely wide range of clinical symptoms and an ever increasing number of genetic causes.

Since the identification of the first molecular anomalies 30 years ago, the clinical features and molecular basis of the main mitochondrial disorders have been deciphered. Major advances have been achieved in the diagnosis of these disorders in recent years, with the advent of improved molecular techniques.


In evidenza

Associazione Italiana di Miologia

logo aim smallAIM è aperta a tutti i professionisti che
operano nel campo delle malattie neuromuscolari
presso strutture Universitarie,
Ospedaliere, IRCCS e altre strutture


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